News & Events

NeoplAT is proud to share that Alvaro Campillo Bo, PhD student at @UCDPhilosophy, just published a groundbreaking, erudite and comprehensive paper on the Latin reception of Proclus’ Commentary on the first book of Euclid’s Elements (In Euclidem), with some surprises.

Il Foro di Studi Avanzati ‘Gaetano Massa’,

Roma, 29 May 2022


14.00-16.00:Thinking Causes: Fluxus: Moderator Dragos Calma [University College Dublin, IRL]

Odile Gilon [University College Dublin, IRL / Centre de Recherche en Philosophie, Université Libre de Bruxelles], “Influentia: A Way of Questioning Causes in Roger Bacon’s Questiones supra Librum de causis” 

Maria Evelina Malgieri [University College Dublin, IRL / Università di Torino, IT], “Flow and Creation in Albert the Great’s De causis et processu universitatis

Matthew Vanderkwaak [University College Dublin, IRL], Anima Nobilis in Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Giles of Rome”

15.30: Discussion

Giuseppe Vitale [Universtity College Dublin, IRL/University of Cologne, BRD], Bonum est unuscuiusque rei essentia: Berthold of Moosburg’s Radical Agathology” 

Alvaro Campillo Bo [University College Dublin, IRL], “A Renaissance Reception of Proclus’s Commentary in Euclid: Alessandro Piccolomini and the New Foundations of Mechanics”


“en chantier” | Work in Progress presentation

“Opening the Sources in the History of Philosophy: the Book of Causes (a Case Study)”

Dragos Calma

Thursday 12 May 2022, 12.30-2.30 pm Central European Time

(via Zoom)

“en chantier” | Work in Progress presentation

Bonum est unuscuiusque rei essentia. Berthold of Moosburg’s Radical Agathology”

Giuseppe Thomas Vitale

Friday 29 April 2022, 12.30-2.30 pm Central European Time

(via Zoom)

“en chantier” | Work in Progress presentation

“Meister Eckhart on Releasement”

Evan King

Friday 8 April 2022, 12.30-2.30 pm Central European Time

(via Zoom)

“en chantier” | Work in Progress presentation

“The Objections of Thomas Aquinas to the Concept of Causa Essentialis in the Scriptum super Sententiis

Tommaso Ferro

Friday 10 December 2021, 12.30-2.30 pm Central European Time

(via Zoom)

“en chantier” | Work in Progress presentation

“The unity of Platonic and Aristotelian psychology in Albert the Great and Isaac Israeli”

Matthew Vanderkwaak

Friday 3 December 2021, 12.30-2.30 pm Central European Time

(via Zoom)

“en chantier” | Work in Progress presentation

“Proclus’ notion of analysis and its Latin reception”
Alvaro Campillo Bo

Friday 15 October 2021, 12-2 pm (Central European Time)

(via Zoom)

“en chantier” | Work in Progress presentation

“On the Latin Edition of the Liber de causis
Iulia Székely Calma

Thursday 20 May 2021, 1-3 pm (Central European Time)

(via Zoom)

Congratulations to team member Matthew vanderKwaak, who has been awarded a Doctoral Fellowship by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)!

Miolo, May 7-page-001
Round table, Prof. Nicolas Weill-Parot, April 30 (1)-page-001

“en chantier” | Work in Progress presentation

“The Reception of Proclus’ Commentary on Euclid in the Renaissance”
Alvaro Campillo Bo

Tuesday 22 April 2021, 1-3 pm (Central European Time)

(via Zoom) **note time change**


Round table, Prof. Olga Lizzini, 12 March_New

Papahagi, Feb. 5 FINAL-page-001
Smith, Nov. 25-page-001

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Matthew Vanderkwaak
Tuesday 17 November, 2020, 5-7 pm (Central European Time)/4-6 pm (Irish Standard Time) (via Zoom)

Jonathan Greig presents in the UCD Newman Centre for the Study of Religions Online Public Lecture series: “Thinking About Society and Religion with Plato and David Foster Wallace”

November 10, 4 pm (Irish Standard Time)

New publication: Calma, D. (ed.) (2020), Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes Volume 2: Translations and AcculturationsBoston/Leiden, Brill. 

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Maria Evelina Malgieri
"Universale latissimae universalitatis": the origin of creation in Albert the Great
Wednesday 21 October, 2020, 5-7 pm (Central European Time) (via Zoom)

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Rodrigo Ballon Villanueva
"Unveiling Apokatastasis? Eriugena's Eschatology and Essential Causality"
Wednesday 14 October, 2020, 5-7 pm (Dublin time) (via Zoom)

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Socrates-Athanasios Kiosoglou
"Elementatio or Elements? On the proper translation of the Greek term Στοιχείωσις"
Wednesday 22 July, 2020, 4-6 pm (Dublin time) (via Zoom)

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Odile Gilon (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Tuesday 30 June, 2020, 4-6 pm (Dublin time) (via Zoom)

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Dragos Calma, "The Child and the Stars: the Noetics of Antonio da Parma"
Tuesday 23 June, 2020, 4-6 pm (Dublin time) (via Zoom)

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Ezequiel Ludueña, "The Intratrinitarian Dynamics of Berthold of Moosburg's Expositio Procli", June 10, 2020, 3.30-5.30 pm (via Zoom)

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Dragos Calma, "Metaphysics as a Way of Life: Heymericus de Campo on Universals and the 'Inner Man'", May 20, 2020, 4-6 pm (via Zoom)

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Joshua Robinson, "The Themes of Divine Motion and Fecundity (γονιμότης) in Nicholas of Methone’s Refutation of Proclus, and their Patristic and Neopythagorean (?) Precedents", May 13, 2020, 4-6 pm (via Zoom)

"en chantier" | Work in Progress presentation
Jonathan Greig, "Nicholas of Methone and Aquinas on Participation in Proclus’ ET Prop. 23: Common and Contrasting Critical Readings", May 6, 2020, 4-6 pm (via Zoom)

"Medieval Thought in Context":
Adrian Papahagi (University "Babeș-Bolyai", Cluj, Romania), "Philosophorum Venenum: Reading Boethius's Neoplatonism in the Carolingian Age", Mar. 16, 2020, 10-12 am

"En chantier" | Work in Progress presentations
Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

"Medieval Thought in Context": The Pseudo-Galenic De Spermate: A Case of Neoplatonic Psychology in Translation, Prof Svetla Slaveva-Griffin (Florida State University) - Feb. 3, 2020, 10-12 am

"Medieval Thought in Context": Thomas Aquinas on the Divine First Motion of the Human Will, with Prof Yul Kim (Daegu Catholic University, South Korea) - Jan. 27, 2020, 10-12 am

"Medieval Thought in Context": Manuscripts of Lucretius and their Readers in the 15th Century, with Dr Helen Dixon (University College Dublin) - Dec. 9, 2019, 10-12 am

"Divine Ideas from Plotinus to the Cambridge Platonists". A workshop, on Dec. 7, 2019, at the Newman House, Dublin, 9.30am-6pm

Jonathan Greig speaks at the International Workshop "Metaphysica Hebraica", Hamburg, Dec. 2, 2019

Jonathan Greig speaks at the Austrian Academy of Science about "The Interchange of Pagan Platonism and Christian Wisdom in Late Byzantium: An Initial Overview of the Reception of Proclus’ Metaphysics in Nicholas of Methone (12th cent. AD) and the Palamite Controversy, and the Surrounding Context", Vienna, Nov. 27, 2019

"Medieval Thought in Context": Practical Wisdom, with Prof Paul O'Grady (Trinity College Dublin) - Nov. 25, 2019, 10-12am

"Medieval Thought in Context": Platonism Through the Centuries: Medieval and Renaissance approaches to Plato’s Timaeus, with Dr Barbara Bartocci (University of St Andrews, UK) - Nov. 18, 2019, 10-12am

Dragos Calma speaking at the 4th International Conference of the Societas Artistarum: "Filosofia e medicina in Italia fra medioevo e prima età moderna", Milano, Nov. 7-8, 2019.

International Conference: "The Retrieval and Renewal of Medieval Metaphysics. Berthold of Moosburg’s Commentary on Proclus’ Elements of Theology", October 23-25, 2019 UCD - Newman House, Bishop's Room, 86 St Stephen's Green, Saint Kevin's, Dublin

"Medieval Thought in Context": Richard FitzRalph (1300-1360) on Property, Poverty, Begging and Sin, with Prof M.W. Dunne (Maynooth University) - Oct. 14, 2019, 10-12am

"Medieval Thought in Context": On Robert Grosseteste's Commentary on Ps.-Dionysius the Areopagite, with Dr G. Curiello (Bishop Lincoln University, UK) - Oct. 7, 2019, 10-12am

Events within the framework of the ERC project in the academic year 2019/2020

Paper at the meeting of the Forum for Advanced Studies

June 1-3, 2019

Maria Evelina Malgieri talks in Rome at the meeting of the Forum for Advanced Studies about some unpublished commentaries on the famous proposition “being is the first of created things”. The title of the paper is: “Essere e creazione: Osservazioni sul Liber de causis”.

Paper at Collège de France (Paris)

April 21-22, 2019
Dragos Calma delivers the paper “Les anonymes de l’anonyme: état des lieux sur le De causis” at the conference organised by Alain de Libera at Collège de France (Paris) entitled: “Où va la philosophie médiévale? État des lieux”.

Paper at Université libre de Bruxelles

March 22, 2019
Dragos Calma delivers a paper at Université libre de Bruxelles: Flux et création chez les albertistes tardifs.

Brepolis Database

February 20, 2019
The Latin commentaries on the Book of Causes and the Elements of Theology now included in the Brepolis database.

Launch of the

February 11, 2019
The launch of the official website of the project

Congratulations Jonathan Greig!

January 22, 2019
Congratulations Jonathan Greig (PhD München) for winning the international selection for the Post position in Neoplatonism in Byzantium!

Paper at University of Bonn

January 15, 2019
Dragos Calma delivers a paper at University of Bonn: Metaphysics as a Way of Life: A Fifteenth-Century Model

Visiting Fellowship University of Bonn

Dragos Calma was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Prize by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in recognition for his research on Medieval Neoplatonism. From January to March 2019, he is hosted by the University of Bonn, Institut für Philosophie.

Ad Astra Excellence Prize

In December 2018,
Dragos Calma was awarded the Ad Astra Excellence Prize Ad Astra Excellence Prize

Research trip to Paris

Novembre 29 – December 17, 2018:
Iulia Székely accomplishes a research trip to Paris – meetings with scholars from IRHT, Bibliothèque nationale de France and from Écoles nationale des chartes; research on medieval manuscripts at Bibliothèque nationale de France

Congratulations Iulia Székely!

Novembre 30, 2018:
Iulia Székely is awarded the title Archiviste paléographe of École nationale des chartes (promotion 2018)

Publication: Festschrift Zénon Kaluza

Publication of the third collective volume dedicated to Zénon Kaluza as special issue of Przeglad Tomistyczny (The Annual Review of the Thomistic Institute), 2018 (XXIV); accessible online:

Medieval Philosophy Network

21 November 2018
Dragos Calma delivers a paper at the Medieval Philosophy Network Meeting, The Warburg Institute, London.

International Workshop

8-10 October 2018
​Workshop on the Latin manuscripts of the Book of Causes, texts and commentaries. Invited guests: Jules Janssens (Leuven), Dominique Poirel (Paris), and through Skype Richard Taylor (Milwaukee, Wisconsin).

Postdoc in Byzantine Neoplatonism

4 October 2018
Advertise of the Postdoc position in Byzantine Neoplatonism at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna.

Congratulations Matthew Vanderwaak!

18 September 2018
Congratulations Matthew Vanderwaak for winning the international selection for the PhD position within the project!

Interviews for the PhD position

16 September 2018
Interviews of the shortlisted candidates for the PhD position at University College Dublin.

Research trip to Vienna

13 September 2018
Trip to Vienna and study of manuscripts from the Austrian National Library.

PhD position in Medieval Neoplatonism

1 August 2018
Advertise of the PhD position in Medieval Neoplatonism at University College Dublin.

Welcome Iulia Székely!

1 July 2018
Welcome Iulia Székely, archiviste paléographe from École nationale des chartes, Paris!
Iulia’s webpage

Launch of the NeoplAT project

1 May 2018
Begin of the NeoplAT project at University College Dublin.
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